Friday, January 12, 2007

New Year Harvest

We went fishing on 1 Jan 2007 at East Coast Park Jetty, S'pore, and look at the harvest we got! A total of 25! Actually it was Nick & his daddy who did all the fishing. You can see on the first photo that Nick is trying to catch the little fish which tried to escape! Not a chance, man!


Gaik said...

I got so bored waiting for anybody & somebody to post some other photos until cannot wait liao. So I very senang, post some more from my file directory.

bubblegummers said...

Wah, first i thot you so clever caught so many big fish, then i saw the same pail next to Nicholas' leg and realised how small the pail is! Can cook sambal ikan bilis la! Should be enuf for Nik alone!

Gaik said...

Very observant, Doreen! Aiya... no one can "bluff" you so easily, lah! Anyway, we gave the fishes away to another "associate fisherman".... I am not the kind of mummy who would do the disecting of fishes prior to cooking. Any sambal ikan kuning or ikan bilis will have to come from the shop!