Thursday, May 22, 2008

Old Taiping

In my recent trip back to Taiping over the labour day weekend, I snapped a few more photos of the old houses in town. And you all probably recognise that this 1st photo is Ah Kong's place.

The rest of the photos are just of the houses around the area.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Port Dickson

Lots to say about the trip.

  • The bungalow was very nice, very clean, lots of space, big garden, faces the sea. 4 rooms enough to fit 13 people.

  • The sea tho was hopeless. Just see from far enough. Tho dirty as it may be, we all went inside for a 'swim'. Just had to. Before i arrived ( Gwyn and i only arrived at 6pm, Saturday), the rest of them had a mud bath. They waded thru knee deep mud in the sea cos they thot it was a shorter route home. I was told they smelled real bad after that!

  • We basically ate the whole time. The caterers cooked one or two meals (cos the Ees were on strike the first day). Saturday nite we had BBQ. Danny Boy was an excellent chef, his BBQ chicken really nice, juicy on the inside, crispy on the outside. None of the usual 'chau ta' stuff we get at BBQs. Even BBQed huan chu.

  • After the Ees stopped the strike, they were pretty much in the kitchen or cleaning the house. They swept the floor, mopped the house, wiped the tables, washed clothes. The house actually looked cleaner when we left!

  • We also had mangos galore. There was a huge mango tree outside the house. Very sweet. And early Saturday morning there was a storm so many of the fruits fell down. We had mangos for breakfast, for lunch, dinner and supper, and even had enuf to bring home!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Young "Tiger Wood(s)" in the Making

Golf Driving Range... Trying out for fun & possible future millionaire pro-golfers!

Nick's Birthday Stunts

Nick at "Cable Ski 360", East Coast Park Beach, trying out cable skiing for the first time! (his birthday present request!) He managed to hang on half the way before he splashes into the sea water! Then he has to walk all the way back....! He had fun!