Monday, November 06, 2006

You Wanna Bet I Can't Get In The Pail?

I was going through some of my photo logs and found these! So, both of these boys.....was 'told' that in Taiping, bath is done outside. Of course, they were most delighted that it wasn't going to be the old bathroom type of bath.

.......and yes....squeezing in the pails weren't a problem! Posted by Picasa


Gaik said...

Reminds me of "water-rationing" day. Taman Aun Say always got no water or shortage of water during the dry season.... so must share big "tong" of water for bathing. Ha! Ha!

bubblegummers said...

I remember Gaik and I bathing outside too, no tubs, just use hose. Uncle Ong's water bill must have been quite high then.

Gaik said...

With the grandsons now, water bill issue is NO ISSUE at all for my dad! Somehow having grandkids do miraculous wonders on my dad & some of his attitudes towards the younger generation!