Ok, someone had to take care of Baby Z aka ChangChang.
Couple of weekends ago, steered by strong memories of waking up together in a bungalow to sounds of waves and smells of sea kindred souls skipped work to heed that call.
I arrived in time for durian and mangosteen. Woohoo! That was followed by an adventure to the muddy plains under the hot afternoon sun in sandfly territory. The team of crab-hunters equip with 4-ee's blue pail, 16 pairs of eager eyes and hands set to stalk the mudcrabs, lala, sea slugs and teenie-weenie tickly crabs. Crew members returned with tales of footlong escaped crabs and the smelly salted sea. An old lady was sprinkling magic/holy water into the mud but she wasn't sharing her secret.
The bungalow - if i can manage it, I will draw you a picture. Its a 11/2 storey bungalow. Downstairs you will find a kitchen facing the porch. Once in the door, you will face the dining table and living area. Staircase at one end of the wall, leads upstairs to a row of bedrooms (all 4 are identical!) with a bathroom at the end. There's 2 more baths/toilet outside and an outdoor shower area. It is really equip to handle a crowd.
Jarrod's sofa faces the porch and the deep blue sea. Dun need fan coz the wind's so strong it will blow cups down.
Before i knew it, bbq smoke filled the air and chicken wings, fish, sausages n crabs appeared on the table.
Here's Dan-the-chef, looking very barbequed.
We didn't catch these, but they were yummmm...
All the kids
Some of the kids
Perhaps it was the tainted barbeque food or spiked drinks and ang-tau-cui, the crowd was getting rowdy with fun, laughter and squels! The Saw Sisters 4 & 7 decided to teach the smaller kids how to play AEIOU. The young kids had loads to learn from the experienced kids.
Priceless - watching my mom giving chase to 4-ee
But fret not, the saga continues.....for the will is strong to bring us together again. Doesn't matter if you just wanna play uno or if there's no beach. We just need a place to hang out and an excuse to get together.
Thanks to Pat for getting us the bungalow.
Thanks to Dan & Kam who took great pains to bbq.
Thanks to all who made it happen.