Thursday, June 21, 2007

While in Singapore

The Invasion ended in Sentosa.

Singapore Invasion

They came, saw, shop and left., pity they did not take Janet back along.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

3 Cousins continuing their fun in KL Renaissance

These cousins are inseparable!

3 Cousins at the Taiping Coronation Stream

Having a good splash and lots of fun at a nearby stream (near Coronation Pool). It's Nick & Tim's first experience!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Now for the desserts...

After our Gu Bak Noodles and some shopping, it's time to have our desserts - ice cream! Obviously Doreen is taken by surprise by the photo shot & some one else thinks Tim's ice cream flavor is more tasty!

Our KL Monorail ride & "Gu Bak" dinner

My kids's first monorail ride in KL.... also first attempt at the (most delicious) Gu Bak Noodles located somewhere in Bukit Bintang Area. Looks like Daniel is asking for his third helping & Pat is explaining to us how Gu Bak is slaughtered in KL!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Star Wars it is really is...

Far far the galaxy....there is the Saw Clan....

This is how it all began...
Jedi Peter :
June is here and so i tasted my first durian yesterday at Penang . An update for the durian lovers. Harvest has been slow this season, must be the bats losing th art of mating causing the problem of late flowers. I was at Taiping last weekend and a couple of new things are sprouting up. There is a Taiping Sentral hub coming up minus the LRT, just beside the new Tesco building under construction. Where is this located?.....where the old Istana is, on Swettenhem Road . If i can't locate my mom next time i call home, i will try Tesco! Cheok, have you been preparing your tour itenary to take kai kai the 5 ees who are going to Singapore ,...are they staying all at your place or Gee Ku's place? And,....I was at Jim Boy's house on Sunday picking up Daniel, and in his hall, and wow...Jim Boy has two glass cabinets full of Star Wars memorablia .....impressive ....May the force be with you!