(AH BENG FAIRY TALES courtesy of www.talkingcock.com)Tell your
gin nah some AH BENG FAIRY TALES! ...and the titles of the fairy tales would go like this:
1. The Three Little Pigs Who Were Si Beh Buay Song with that Chao Wolf, and Went to Settle With Him
2. The Boy Who Cried, “Kuah Si Mi?”
3. Snow White and the Seven Samsengs
4. Rapunzel, Rapunzel Let Down Your Perm
5. Johnson Lock and The Ugly Duckling Who Grew Up Into a Tasty Duck
6. The Emperor’s New Polyester Shirt 7. Puss in Slippers
8. The Tale of the Princess Who Kissed a Frog Who Immediately Turned Into a Towkay with Six Mahseelis Benz and a Fancy Bungalow in Bukit Timah
9. Goldilocks and the Three Bengs Who Tried To Get Her Drunk When She Came Into their KTV ‘Launge’
10. Little Red Riding Hoot, ah!
......aiya...Singaporeans should know about this site. :-)